About us

Crossroads began her ministry in Cherokee, IA in the summer of 2003 immersed in prayer, seeking how best to serve Him and His Kingdom here on earth. What we never expected was how God was going to use us by bringing us togeher with another congregaiton in an unbelieveable way through the shareing of our pastor. Many pastors have dual ministries, but few have them across denominational lines! And so we feel God is leading us in a unique way, reminding us that we are One Church with One Purpose, fufilling His words as recorded in the Gospel of John 17:20-23.

So let me share about Crossroads. Crossroads is a community, a family of believers, who are not afraid to live 'ouside the box' in order to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. We hold firm to the teachings of Jesus but are not afraid of changing our 'methodology' in order to share the true 'message' of Jesus Christ.

We intentionally made a 'mission statement' with substance - not just words on paper that looks good in pamplets, brochures and internet websites. Our 'mission statement' is lived out in the lives of our Crossroads' family on a daily basis because we believe it is our calling and purpose to: "Reach the Next Two Generations for Christ". And we strive to fulfill that - not only through worship and Sunday school activities - but through specialized ministries such as Roadrunners, Saturday Night Live and Extreme Encounter. Every program is designed and directed to bringing people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and a have closer walk with Him.

That's what we do - but who are we? What will you experience when you come and worship with us? You'll find a relaxed atmosphere, praise choruses and old hymns, sincere prayers and God's Word preached. You'll find acceptance from those who have been accepted - and grace from those whose sins have been forgiven - but most of all you'll find God's Love spilled out from those for whom He died.

And you'll find servants. In fact, a phrase you may hear a lot around here is "I'm here to serve!" because we want to be more and more like Jesus. For it was Jesus who said, "I came not to be served, but to serve - and to give my life as a ransom for many." So if you asked how to describe a Crossroads' partner - the best word would be 'servant'. We just want to be Jesus with skin!

We're not perfect - but we love the One who is!