About us

OUR WORSHIP BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M.! That's right, by design we meet only on Sunday evenings for worship. We began our ministry with that in mind and, although it is non-traditional, it is exciting and we want to invite you to give it a try. We also offer Family Fellowship, which immediatly follows evening worship.

Because we beleive that God cares more about your heart than your outfit, we do not demand, don't even suggest, formal wardorbe! We dress casually and comfortably, and come ready to worship through singing praise choruses, sharing in fellowship, meeting at the Lord's Table, and hearing a biblically based message from God's Word.

We don't even pass an offering tray! Oh, it's not that we can't use the financial support, every church needs financial backing, but we believe giving is between you and God and so rather than pass an offering tray we have them located in the back and the front of the sanctuary and when we have our "Give and Greet" time those who are felt lead by God to give, and those who don't . . . well they just enjoy greeting more!

Following the pattern of the New Testament church we partake of the Lord's Supper on a weekly basis. Also, we beleive that everyone should be invited to the Lord's Table. So when communion is shared, you are welcomed and invited to partake with us.

Since our service is close to supper time, we provide fellowship, a meal cooked by the people of the church to serve the church. We serve this meal usually every night immediatly following service. If you would like to share in this ministry, there is a sign-up sheet located on the foyer board with availible dates in our church building.

We're not a perfect family, but we serve a Perfect Lord and we just have fun loving Him, so let us take this time to invite you to come and worship with us. We'd love to have you, and you'll  feel right at home here!